Global Evaluation and Monitoring Services (GEMS)
- Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, & Learning
- Institutional Support
- Intelligence & Risk Management
- Change Management
- Capacity Building & Training
GEMS Associates LLC (GEMS) is a new joint venture established by Navanti Group (Navanti) and International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI) under a “Mentor-Protégé” Agreement that was approved in June 2024 by the U.S. Small Business Administration. GEMS operates as a Small Business and is thus eligible to bid on solicitations set-aside for Small Businesses.
The GEMS joint venture offers the combined capabilities and experience of both Navanti and IBTCI. When submitting proposals as GEMS, the past performance references and full corporate capabilities and experience of both firms can be included and considered for the technical proposal evaluation. This is permitted under U.S. Government Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 48 CFR 15.305(a)(2)(iii).
GEMS’ combined networks, management experience and headquarters’ resources provide added strength to support USAID on its small-business set-aside contracts. GEMS operates as one entity as far as USAID and partners are concerned. Client interface and communications are streamlined through GEMS. GEMS has one clear lead with clear decision-making authority.
Leveraging the partner firms’ 30+ years of experience and in-house resources/systems gives GEMS significant capacity beyond what could be expected of a typical small business. GEMS partners have experience working in countries including Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and others.
- Expertise in operating in non-permissive and conflict-affected and post-conflict environments
- IDIQ management experience across more than 20 USG IDIQs
- Operated in 120+ countries and collaborated with 65+ USAID Missions over the past five years
- Demonstrated experience in Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL)
GEMS partners have worked in over one hundred countries and implemented over three hundred projects. Through GEMS partners’ more than 35 years of experience supporting U.S. government development projects, including in transition and non- permissive environments, we have developed expertise in administering and implementing USAID programs and providing support to program-funded USAID personnel in the most challenging of circumstances.
GEMS specializes and works in some of the most difficult and austere settings around the globe, working with local providers and experts gathering valuable M&E data to inform critical policy and social change. Our local partners allow us to provide daily monitoring with visual, GPS-coordinates, to access hard to reach communities, and provide in-person capacity building as projects scale. GEMS partners have conducted a variety of performance and impact evaluations, needs assessments, monitoring and verification activities in the most fragile and conflict affected states in the world. In fact, GEMS partner IBTCI is the industry leader in third party monitoring (TPM) in protracted- and post- conflict states. GEMS utilizes data collection, fieldwork, analysis and reporting to support clients, their staff, and implementing partners with current information that shapes and informs stabilization programming.
As part of its comprehensive crisis and conflict program-oriented methodology, GEMS partners assist communities by conducting evidence-based evaluations about project performance and client project performance plans, dataquality assessments, training sessions to improve self-reliance in local populaces and increase the efficacy of government and private implementation partners. GEMS partners’ extensive independent monitoring and evaluation services experience includes quickly mobilizing project staff and consultants for site visits, establishing in-house databases to host field monitoring data, and developing communication channels infragile states to build community conflict prevention and mitigation networks, improve local security, and further response capacity. Further, we understand and apply best practices in partner and participant protection ensuring that as we collect data and information that we do so safely, with human subject protections at the forefront of our efforts.
The USAID Nigeria Third Party Monitoring Program (2024-2029), led by GEMS partner Navanti, provides TPM services to ensure adequate management oversight of BHA’s implementing partners in Nigeria.

The Lake Chad Third Party Monitoring Project (2022-2025), led by GEMS partner Navanti, provides TPM services tooversee activities in the Lake Chad Basin.
The USAID Yemen Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Project (2019-2024) funded by USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), where GEMS partner IBTCI conducted comprehensive TPM across all provinces of Yemen, analyzing trends in humanitarian programming, providing critical inputs for program learning and accountability, and evaluating collective efforts for “Accountability to Affected Populations.”
The USAID Somalia Monitoring & Learning Project (2017-2022), where GEMS partner IBTCI effectively managed TPM operations, conducted monitoring and verification site visits, and led learning events to showcase best practices and address persistent challenges.
The USAID Iraq Monitoring & Evaluation Project (2017-2022), led by GEMS partner IBTCI, which involved TPM operations across all 19 governorates of Iraq, providing independent, verifiable data to enhance understanding of program outputs, outcomes, and challenges.
The USAID Syria Humanitarian Monitoring Project (2014-2017), where GEMS partner IBTCI established a TPM system to verify and confirm programs in Syria, conducting site visits across all provinces and covering thematic areas including food security, WASH, health, shelter, and economic recovery.
Both GEMS partners Navanti and IBTCI have cultivated a strong reputation for providing and managing responsivetechnical services and client support through large, complex, multi-year, multi-sector mission-wide or regional Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) platform contracts. These contracts have routinely included the design and/or review of Mission-level Performance Management Plans (PMPs) and supported USAID Missions in strategic thinking; conducted sector assessments that inform future programming; collected through assessments; designed and led mid-term and final performance evaluations; and designed learning agendas that included learning activities incorporating Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) principles with clients, as part of a rigorous and adaptive program cycle. In all, GEMS partners have primed some 27 national and regional multi-year platforms in support of Missions, covering research, activity-verification, DQAs, formative studies, indicator tracking, training and mentoring of USAID mission staff, and working with implementing partners (IPs) in organizing and facilitating training and learning events.
Selected Examples of Recent GEMS Partner Experience:
USAID Nigeria Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Support Activity (MELSA), 2021- 2026. Led by GEMS partner Navanti, NMELSA provides a broad range of technical assistance to the USAID/Nigeria mission. Navanti’s support includes data quality assessments, field-based monitoring, evaluations, enhanced data analytics through improvement in the utilization of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mapping, and support for learning. Key deliverables on this wide-ranging contract have included performance evaluations for USAID programs across sectors such as democracy and governance, economic growth, health and agriculture.
USAID West Africa Peace through Learning, Evaluation, and Adapting (PELA) Activity, 2018- 2022. Led by GEMS partner IBTCI, the purpose of West Africa PELA was to support the Mission to be a more effective, efficient, and adaptable operating unit in achieving the development objective of strengthening systems of non-violent conflict management in West Africa, and strengthen USAID/West Africa’s effectiveness implementing its projects; coordinating its activities; learning from its experiences; and serving as an information, communication, and thought leader regarding peace promotion and countering violent extremism in the West Africa region. IBTCI provided a range of technical services to USAID/ West Africa to enhance their effectiveness at countering violent extremism (CVE) and promoting peace within the region. IBTCI’s efforts spanned across multiple offices in Accra, Ghana, and supported local communities across the West Africa region, including in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Nigeria.
USAID Monitoring and Evaluation in Tunisia and Libya (METAL), 2017-2022. Led by GEMS partner IBTCI, METAL provided technical support for monitoring, evaluation, and learning services for the USAID/Tunisia andUSAID/Libya missions. These two components met separate and distinct MEL needs, reflecting Tunisia’s stability versus Libya’s crisis and transition. IBTCI applied knowledge gained from evidence and analysis to improve development outcomes and ensure accountability for the allocation of USAID resources. In Tunisia, IBTCI supported the Mission in developing Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) goal and development objectives, while assisting the uptake of knowledge derived from MEL. The IBTCI support team also built the capacity of USAID/Tunisia staff and some of its local partners in monitoring, evaluation and knowledge management. In Libya, IBTCI provided third-party monitoring to inform its program and strategy decisions. As a leader in fragile state, andconflict zone monitoring, IBTCI worked with local Libyan stakeholders to strengthen the foundations of Libya’s democracy, peace, and prosperity through broad-based partnerships.
Performance Management and Support Program for Iraq (PMSP), 2017-2022. Led by GEMS partner IBTCI, IBTCI provided monitoring and program management for the USAID/Iraq Mission and led a team across Iraq of local monitors to verify IP activities. IBTCI supported the development and implementation of USAID/Iraq’s PMP, coordinated independent monitoring of the implementation of USAID/Iraq’s interventions and tracked progress in achieving intended results. IBTCI designed and led a range of technical evaluations, including measurement of gender empowerment, mitigation of environmental impacts, and future sustainability of results. In its final year, IBTCI designed, created and led—with USAID approval—a series of novel workshops training Mission staff, localimplementers and New Partnership Initiative small, local organizations in three technical areas: CLA, use of GIS, and measuring the Journey to Self-Reliance.
Eastern & Southern Caribbean (ESC) Monitoring & Evaluation Support Services (MESS), 2017- 2022. Led by GEMS partner IBTCI, ESC MESS provided technical and advisory services to assist the USAID Mission in the ESC in MEL, and reporting of results during the implementation of its Regional Development Cooperation Strategy by assisting the regional Mission with key aspects of performance monitoring; database development and management; and designing and conducting baseline and follow-up surveys, assessments, and other studies, including mid-term and final performance evaluations including performance evaluations through training workshops. Following Hurricane Dorian, in 2019-2020, IBTCI led a multi- agency, multi-donor assessment of access to schools, related school damage and the responses of parents and students, working closely with the Ministry of Education of the Bahamas.
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Monitoring, Evaluation, and Coordination Contract (MECC), 2016-2021. Led by GEMS partner IBTCI, DRC MECC was a five-year contract to provide monitoring, evaluation, analytic, coordination, and research services to two primary USAID initiatives in the DRC, which were implemented under two components of the MECC task order, Component 1: the Mission’s CDCS, and Component 2: ACCELERE!, an education program jointly funded by USAID and DFID. MECC supported Mission-wide objectives and provided analytical tools and services that allowed the Mission to undertake performance management to guide the fullimplementation of the CDCS PMP and ACCELERE! results framework. MECC services included performance monitoring, third party monitoring, large evaluations, evaluability assessments, support to the Mission’s Learning Agenda, regional coordination among stakeholders at the provincial level, and M&E capacity building for Mission staff, IPs, and other relevant stakeholders.
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